Powerful Drum Fill

View of drummers hands playing drums

This powerful drum fill is a three beat idea that you can hear many drummers using on a regular basis.  It’s a super fun and flashy fill that will definitely impress your friends and relatives! 

This drum fill goes by the name of “Herta”.

This fill idea has three positions.  The first position has the 32nd notes at the front of this three beat idea.  The second position had the 32nd notes in the middle. The third and final position has the 32nd notes at the end.  Most students find the first position to be the most accessible. 

An accent is a part of this fill idea and so the ‘Up/Down” technique is involved.  In this drum lesson I keep the accent at the beginning in all three positions.  If you are struggling, an easier option is to keep the accent at the same part of the sticking regardless of the position.

In this video drum lesson I play the Herta in its three positions as a full 4 count fill idea in the 16th note setting.  In this way we are imposing a group of three within a 4 note grouping.  This creates a polyrhythmic feeling until it resolves at the end of the bar. 

I also demonstrate the use of the Herta in all three positions in a triplet setting. Since triplets are groups of three, the Herta will fit comfortably being that it is a three beat idea.

The Herta can also be played for a shorter duration or mixed with other fill ideas that you might have. 

Be creative and find your own ways of using the Herta. Get this drum fill under your belt for a thunderous effect that is sure to dazzle!